The Gujarat High Court has upheld the dismissal of a defamation case filed by the ‘Face’ of 2002 Gujarat Riots, Kutubuddin Ansari, a victim of the riots, against the makers of the 2013 film Rajdhani.
The Gujarat High Court upheld the dismissal of a defamation case by Kutubiddin Ansari, whose photo became a defining image of the 2002 Gujarat riots, against the makers ‘Rajdhani Express’ for using his photo in the movie
The Supreme Court on Friday (August 25) issued a temporary stay on the criminal proceedings against a Catholic parish priest in Gujarat for baptising a child at the request of the child s Christian.
Justice Sandeep N Bhatt noted that police authorities often falsely arrest doctors under the PCPNDT Act. Most of the time, genuine doctors suffer due to this discrepancy between the police.
The Gujarat high court expressed serious concern over the misuse of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989, in the state. The high court asked the investigating authorities to probe such crimes with utmost care and impartiality, as the SC-ST act is being misused in society.