Get latest articles and stories on Latest News at LatestLY. Markets regulator Sebi on Friday came out with a framework for alternative investment funds (AIFs) raising capital from foreign investors. Latest News | Sebi Brings Framework for Foreign Investment in Alternative Investment Funds.
ROME (Sputnik) - Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said on Thursday that new EU sanctions against Moscow should not lead to major consequences for. 25.11.2022, Sputnik International
the united states attorney s 0ffice. at some point, i received a call. just after president biden s speech, andrew adams was appointed to lead a new us government task force called kle ptoca ptu re. the goals for us are to target the people who are on the sanctions list, to bring any charge available, to seize any asset available. the idea is to disgorge profits in any way that we can as quickly as we can. so we look for sanctions evasion, we look for money laundering, we look for efforts to avoid export controls that we ve put into place here in the united states. part of the goal here is to unwind the fruits of corruption. part of it, in my mind, is to punish what are, in effect, massive crimes. 0urjob as law enforcement officers. andrew adams has built his strategy on his experience prosecuting the mafia. for ten years, he fought against organised and violent
here in manhattan at the united states attorney s office. at some point, i received a call. just after president biden s speech, andrew adams was appointed to lead a new us government task force called kle ptoca ptu re. the goals for us are to target the people who are on the sanctions list, to bring any charge available, to seize any asset available. the idea is to disgorge profits in any way that we can as quickly as we can. so we look for sanctions evasion, we look for money laundering, we look for efforts to avoid export controls that we ve put into place here in the united states. part of the goal here is to unwind the fruits of corruption. part of it, in my mind, is to punish what are, in effect, massive crimes. ourjob as law enforcement officers. andrew adams has built his strategy on his experience prosecuting the mafia. for ten years, he fought against organised and violent crime.