Entering access id 2483 396 5354. We will take public ment if those in city hall first and open up Remote Access line. Speak clearly and slowly. If you killer to state your name. Each speaker allowed up to 3 minutes you will hear a chime indicating your time is almost up. When your time is reached i will announce and take the next personnel for those call nothing to submit testimony when we reach the item you are interested in press star 3 to be added. When you hear your line is unmuted, begin speak. Best practices call prosecute i quiet location. Speak clearly and slowly and mute the volume on your television or computer. For those attends nothing city hall come forward and lineup on the screen side of the room. I ask upper silence mobile devices that may sound off. And at this time i like to call roll. Commissioner chair moore. Here. Commissioner diamond. Here. Commissioner imral. Here commissioner cappel and commissioner ruiz. Here first is consideration of items 1a and b for case 2
Comments during the Public Comment period are available by calling 4156550001 and entering access id 2483 396 5354. We will take public ment if those in city hall first and open up Remote Access line. Speak clearly and slowly. If you killer to state your name. Each speaker allowed up to 3 minutes you will hear a chime indicating your time is almost up. When your time is reached i will announce and take the next personnel for those call nothing to submit testimony when we reach the item you are interested in press star 3 to be added. When you hear your line is unmuted, begin speak. Best practices call prosecute i quiet location. Speak clearly and slowly and mute the volume on your television or computer. For those attends nothing city hall come forward and lineup on the screen side of the room. I ask upper silence mobile devices that may sound off. And at this time i like to call roll. Commissioner chair moore. Here. Commissioner diamond. Here. Commissioner imral. Here commissioner capp
Calling 4156550001 and entering access id 2483 396 5354. We will take public ment if those in city hall first and open up Remote Access line. Speak clearly and slowly. If you killer to state your name. Each speaker allowed up to 3 minutes you will hear a chime indicating your time is almost up. When your time is reached i will announce and take the next personnel for those call nothing to submit testimony when we reach the item you are interested in press star 3 to be added. When you hear your line is unmuted, begin speak. Best practices call prosecute i quiet location. Speak clearly and slowly and mute the volume on your television or computer. For those attends nothing city hall come forward and lineup on the screen side of the room. I ask upper silence mobile devices that may sound off. And at this time i like to call roll. Commissioner chair moore. Here. Commissioner diamond. Here. Commissioner imral. Here commissioner cappel and commissioner ruiz. Here first is consideration of it
due to the healing emergency and the public health recommendations by the d. public health any emergency orders of governor and mayor concerning social distancing and lifting restrigz strikz this is is held teleconference and strolled by sfgov.org is there it is a time lag with the meeting and that is being view said. i like to thank sfgovtv staff and it staff for assistance during the meeting. if you wish to comment dial 415-554-0001. access code: 2482 279 1804 ## to raise your hand press story 3. note you must limit comment to the item discussed unless you are speaking urn general public comment and remind you if you don t stay on the topic the chair can ask to you limit to the item. comment made in respectful manner and refrain are profanity. address your res to the commission and not individuals or staff. if you have not done so silence electronic device. thank you. before calling the first item the san francisco public utility commission acknowledges that it owns and
and it staff for assistance during the meeting. if you wish to comment dial 415-554-0001. access code: 2482 279 1804 ## to raise your hand press story 3. note you must limit comment to the item discussed unless you are speaking urn general public comment and remind you if you don t stay on the topic the chair can ask to you limit to the item. comment made in respectful manner and refrain are profanity. address your res to the commission and not individuals or staff. if you have not done so silence electronic device. thank you. before calling the first item the san francisco public utility commission acknowledges that it owns and stewards of unceded lanced located within the historic territory of the tribe. and other descendant was federal recognized verown band offal meada county the san francisco puc recognizes that every citizen reside nothing the greater bay wrir has and continues to benefit from the use and occupation of the tribe s lands. since before and after the s