Samsung on Thursday said that it expects its QLED TV business to grow by two times in India this year, as the company launched ultra-premium 2023 Neo QLED 8K TVs and Neo QLED 4K TVs, in sizes ranging from 50-98 inches.Neo QLED 8K TVs start from .
Bangalore – At an education and innovation roadshow organized by Samsung India at Samsung Opera House in Bangalore, 500 enthusiastic young college students said they want to solve some of the most pressing problems that people and communities across
Called Samsung Solve for Tomorrow, the programme invites youth in age group 16-22 to apply with their innovative ideas around education and learning, environment and sustainability, health and wellness and diversity and inclusion.The
Called Samsung Solve for Tomorrow, the programme invites youth in age group 16-22 to apply with their innovative ideas around education and learning, environment and sustainability, health and wellness and diversity and inclusion.The
Samsung India on Tuesday announced it has partnered the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) Startup Hub and Foundation for Innovation and Technology Transfer (FITT), IIT Delhi, for the second season of its national .