Modi, who reached Ahmedabad on a two-day visit to Gujarat, said that his work for women empowerment had started from Gujarat itself where he had launched projects like Kenya Kelvani for women education, Samras Panchayat where additional money was promised to those panchayats where all elected members were women.
Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan and his family members exercised their franchise in their home town in Jait that is in Sehore district. The first from the family to cast vote was the younger son, then the elder one after which the CM exercised his franchise.
Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhans offer to elect gram panchayat representatives unopposed and get monetary rewards ranging from Rs 5 lakh to Rs 15 lakh during the ongoing three-tire panchayat elections has received good .
Incentivising Gujarati villages to stay crime-free
Wed, Apr 21 2021 12:06 IST |
Incentivising Gujarati villages to stay crime-free Image Source: IANS News
Incentivising Gujarati villages to stay crime-free Image Source: IANS News
Ahmedabad, April 21 : Being a good citizen and obeying the law of the land is not just a legal or moral obligation for thousands of villagers in Gujarat but it also comes with its own set of financial incentives. As part of a scheme named Tirthgam-Pavangam, the state government has gifted nearly Rs 23 crore to over 1,300 crime-free villages in 16 years.
Launched in 2004, the scheme aims to promote unity, social harmony and all-round development of villages. It helps in lowering the crime graph in rural areas as crime-free villages get rewarded. Till 2019, 1,319 village Panchayats have been gifted Rs 22.9 crore under the scheme.