Lucknow, Oct 10: Samajwadi Party supremo and three-time chief minister of Uttar Pradesh Mulayam Singh Yadav died on Monday at a hospital in Gurugram after prolonged illness. “Mere adarniya pitaji aur sabke netaji nahi rahe – Akhilesh Yadav,” the SP tweeted from its Twitter handle. The 82-year-old former defence minister was admitted to a hospital since August and was shifted to the Intensive Care Unit of the Gurugram-based Medanta Hospital on October 2. President Droupadi Murmu and Prime Minister Narendra […]
Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar expressed condolences on the death of Samajwadi Party patriarch Mulayam Singh Yadav on Monday and said that the latter s death is an irreparable loss to the nation.
Get latest articles and stories on Latest News at LatestLY. Mulayam Singh Yadav has been in and out of hospitals in recent years, triggering scares over his health each time. On Monday, the Samajwadi Party founder, who famously trained to be a wrestler in his younger days, lost the final bout. Latest News | Mulayam Singh Yadav: In Success or Failure, Always `Netaji’ to His Supporters.