the report recommends a tax on sugary and salty foods. if producers don t change their recipes to use less, it could mean a price increase of 15 25% for desserts, biscuits and sweets. the report also calls for food education in schools to be taken more seriously. that s exactly what andrew hartshorn, a teacher in coventry, is already trying to do. and by the way, his students don t say, yes, sir , they say, 0ui, chef. this has got to be a sustained effort with lots of support across the country, support in the classroom, helping fund ingredients, ensuring its place on the curriculum, ensuring its place on the timetable is safeguarded. it needs to be supported for our parents at home, so they re able to access ingredients. the national food strategy estimates its recommendations would cost around eli; billion a year, and bring in up to £31; billion a year in tax revenue. for the report s author, the cost of doing nothing would be terrible damage to the environment and to our bodie
the help of a charity. if we had an ideal amount of fruit and veg in our diet, it would be easier to create stuff, i suppose, that was easy to eat. you need variety and it s the variety that costs. i could pay for it but it means something else has to go and it means we go in the red instead of staying in the black, and i can t cope with the worry of being in the red. today s reports says a poor diet contributes to 64,000 deaths every year in england alone and costs the economy an estimated £74 billion. there is an environmental impact too globalfood production is the second biggest contributor to climate change. the report recommends a tax on sugary and salty foods. if producers don t change their recipes to use less, it could mean a price increase of 15 to 25% for desserts, biscuits and sweets. there have been 14 previous obesity plans in this country and almost all of them have been voluntary
something else has to go and it means we go in the red instead of staying in the black, and i can t cope with the worry of being in the red. today s reports says a poor diet contributes to 6a,000 deaths every year in england alone and costs the economy an estimated £7a billion. there is an environmental impact too globalfood production is the second biggest contributor to climate change. the report recommends a tax on sugary and salty foods. if producers don t change their recipes to use less, it could mean a price increase of 15 to 25% for desserts, biscuits and sweets. there have been 14 previous obesity plans in this country and almost all of them have been voluntary measures and you are not going to break this junk food cycle, this interaction between our appetite and the commercial incentive of companies unless you tackle it directly, and that is what we are recommending with the sugar and salt reformulation tax. it s not a tax to increase price, it s a tax to make companies re
something else has to go, and it means we go in the red instead of staying in the black. now i can t cope with the worry of being in the red. today s report says a poor diet contributes to 6a,000 deaths every year in england alone, and costs the economy an estimated £7a billion. there s an environmental impact too globalfood production is the second biggest contributor to climate change. the report recommends a tax on sugary and salty foods. if producers don t change their recipes to use less, it could mean a price increase of 15 to 25% for desserts, biscuits and sweets. the report also calls for food education in schools to be taken more seriously. that s exactly what andrew hartshorn, a teacher in coventry, is already trying to do. and by the way, his students don t say, yes, sir , they say, 0ui, chef. this has got to be a sustained effort with lots of support across the country, support in the classroom, helping fund