नमक का अधिक सेवन पहुंचा सकता है आपकी सेहत को नुकसान, यहां जानें ज्यादा नमक खाने के 5 संकेत
नमक (Salt) के बिना भोजन की कल्पना करना बहुत ही मुश्किल है। यह हमारे भोजन को स्वादिष्ट बनाने के साथ ही, भोजन के संरक्षक (Preservative) के रूप में भी कार्य करता है। नमक में लगभग 60% क्लोराइड (Na) और लगभग 40% सोडियम (Cl) होता है। लगभग सभी असंसाधित खाद्य पदार्थ (Unprocessed Foods) जैसे कि सब्जियां, फल, नट्स, मीट, साबुत अनाज और डेयरी खाद�
WHO Sets New Benchmarks To Reduce Salt Intake Globally
WHO released a new set of global benchmarks for sodium levels in more than 60 food categories.
Read Time: 2 min
Excess amount of salt may increase stroke risk
We can t picture our pantry without a jar of salt. It is the basic necessity while cooking. A pinch of salt brings the best out of a dish. However, too much of it may lead to various health issues. According to consultant nutritionist Rupali Datta, Sodium is an essential mineral for our body to function as it is involved in nerve impulse conduction, muscle contraction and for maintaining the water and mineral balance. But when consumed in excessive amounts, it may cause an increased risk of heart diseases, high BP, stroke and kidney problems. This is why the World Health Organisation had set a limit of 5-gram for daily salt intake. As per a WHO report, most people consume double the WHO-recommended amount, increasing the risk of heart diseases and strokes that kill