LT Foods Share Price: Find the latest news on LT Foods Stock Price. Get all the information on LT Foods with historic price charts for NSE / BSE. Experts & Broker view also get the LT Foods Ltd. buy/sell tips detailed news, announcements, Forecasts, Analysts, Valuation, Earning forecasts, Estimates, Recommendations, Analysts Ratings, financial report, company information, annual report, balance sheet, profit & loss account, results and more.
Shares of LT Foods Ltd have rallied nearly 460% in the last three years. The small cap stock, which closed at Rs 20.35 on May 11, 2020 rose to a high of Rs 114 on the BSE today, amounting to a rally of 460.19% during the period. An amount of Rs 1 lakh invested in the shares of LT Foods three years ago would have turned into Rs 5.6 lakh today. In comparison, Sensex has risen 97 per cent during the period. In the current session, LT Foods stock rose 4.73% to Rs 113.95 today against the previous close of Rs 108.80 on BSE. Earlier, the stock opened lower at Rs 107.70 on BSE. It hit a 52 week low of Rs 66.50 on June 20, 2022 and a 52 week high of Rs 135.85 on October 28, 2022.
New Delhi [India], March 10 (ANI/FleishmanHillard): Narendra Singh Tomar, Union Minister of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare will inaugurate the Plant Based Foods Industry Association (PBFIA) event titled "Dawn of a Plant Based Age" to be held on March 14th at AAHAR 2023 in New Delhi. 'Right To Protein' has also extended its support to the initiative. The conference will bring together plant-protein enthusiasts and industry leaders to discuss the need for India to become an "Ingredients Hub" for plant-based foods and to establish an ecosystem that supports the growth of the plant-based food industry. The event will feature technical discussions on flavor and texture, as well as the role of plant-based dairy innovations. The conference host keynote speakers, including experts and government officials such as Dr Sudhanshu, Secretary of APEDA; Sanoj Jha, Addl. Secretary of MoFPI; Pradeep Singh Kharola, Chairman & Managing Director of ITPO; VK Vidyarthi, Ge