A footballer for buying an ink my life inside the waves of the story in my pictures are a little bit off to smaller so that they. Serve us hero salgado has a distinctive unique way of seeing the world you know all its beauty and brutality. His work has been exhibited internationally collected in numerous books and he has also been the subject of an acclaimed documentary film. At the 2019 Frankfurt Book Fair the brazilian for talk of her was awarded the peace prize. As of the german book trade. Center encounter with the legendary photojournalist said bust your own star god will. Lead the portugal to see so many things whats it take to solve it things that made my life that it reach it if was no simple i did to save like that. In 2019 the Photographic Museum in stockholm hosted the exhibition gold curated by star god it was wife. It features the iconic photographs sargodha a token a syrup or not a gold mine in brazil in 1906 over 30 years ago. Black and white they have a timeless almost
Exploration of the vietnam war, featuring interviews with american and vietnamese veterans and civilians with firsthand experience of the wars events as well as historic analysis. Its a fascinating collection of newly discovered and iconic original documents, photographs, film footage, and artifacts that illuminate 12 critical episodes in the war that divided the peoples of both the United States and vietnam. The visual imagery of remembering vietnam relies on the talents of the many photographers who risk their own safety to capture the stories of the war in pictures. Tonight well hear from some of those combat photographers and learn their own stories. Its my pleasure to welcome lee reynolds to the stage. He is the Strategic Communications officer for the u. S. Army center of military history here in washington. Previously, he was senior manager of the Universal Studios hollywood backlock tour from 2014 to 2016 and now works as an independent contractor as an actor, screenwriter, and
Off the story in my pictures a little bit off just moments ago they need. To. Save us here also gado has a distinctive unique way of seeing the world you know all its beauty and brutality. His work has been exhibited internationally collected in numerous books and hes also been the subject of an acclaimed documentary film. At the 2019 Frankfurt Book Fair the brazilian for talk of her was awarded the peace prize of a german book trade. Spend encounter with the legendary photojournalist. Sebastiaan so god. Had the fortitude to see so many things to put simply to solving things that made my life that it which. If was the sceptical i would say like it. In 2019 a photograph is scary news e. M. In stockholm hosted the exhibition gold curated by star god knows wife lady. It features the iconic photographs as our god who took in the syrup are not a gold mine in brazil in 1906 over 30 years ago. Black and white they have a timeless almost biblical quality. Gripped by gold fever more than 50000.
This is what suni. She is a hologram. And this is akihito condo her husband were. Were. Hello. You look today. I love culture ends. Meet cool is a simple form of Artificial Intelligence and for condo it was a case of love at 1st sight nico has become a legitimate pop star and even appears at concerts as a 3 d. Projection. In nov 28th kondo married nico at a ceremony in tokyo the place the ring around the wrist of a miku dog. He now keeps it all in his bedroom. Condos relationships with real women have been painful so he chose a virtual partner. Were generalized i love her but its hard to say if she loves me for them still if you asked her no i think shed say yes. d the tsunami cool and akihito condo are an extreme example of the relationship between people and machines i got. In the future will no doubt spend more time interacting with technology that uses Artificial Intelligence or ai we may even develop robots that are smarter than we are. Now in the 21st century we will have to deci
York Historical Society and has traveled here. It was a real pleasure to work on that, and i hope that you will get a chance to see it. Its an interesting exhibit. Today im going to talk about my current research, which, as camille said, is how the u. S. Army as an institution was trying to manage a crisis that its leaders perceived during the war in vietnam, a crisis around race. As i imagined almost all of you know, the u. S. War in vietnam was the first major conflict that the United States thoughts from the beginning was a racially integrated armed force. Through much of the war, the process was treated as a great success. In combat, it almost without exception was. But by 1960, army leaders were talking about the war within the war and trying to figure out how to manage a racial crisis that they saw as starting to tear the army apart. My research right now is trying to think about how this massive institution tried to manage a racial crisis. I look at the theories of actions the a