Sahil Khan, once a familiar face in Bollywood’s youthful comedies, finds himself amidst a legal storm. Known for his roles in films like ‘Style’ and ‘Excuse Me,’ he's arrested in connection with the Mahadev betting app case, a controversy gripping the nation. This unexpected turn casts a shadow over his successful transition from silver screen to fitness icon. Despite setbacks, his dedication to fitness and entrepreneurship reshapes his career. Now, facing uncertainty, his story serves as a cautionary tale about the complexities of fame.
A Mumbai court on Sunday remanded actor Sahil Khan, who has been arrested in connection with the Mahadev betting app case, in police custody till May 1. Khan was apprehended from Jagdalpur in Chhattisgarh on Saturday after the Bombay High Court rejected his pre-arrest bail plea.
Bidding adieu to his acting career in the early 2010s, Sahil Khan decided to explore success as an entrepreneur by establishing his own fitness company.
After 'Excuse Me', Sahil Khan's 2005 releases 'Yahi Hai Zindagi' and 'Double Cross' also flopped at the box-office. Sahil Khan’s 'Aladdin' and 'Rama: The Savior' also failed miserably at the box-office.