comes to policy. but local officials over here could not be more excited. so in oregon county, we are northwest of detroit. it s a real blue collar town, 40,000 people. i had one local leader telling yesterday, this is like a grand slam at the bottom of the ninth. don t take it from me, let s hear from gerald lang, an employee of this facility in oregon. this is going to allow me to retire, and possibly could affect my grandchildren. we are talking about huge investment and our restructuring of this plant. so now, as we hire people in, these are all my family members. this is my family, friends, neighbors. they have an opportunity to be lifted, uplifted into the middle class of america, just by jobs, negotiated wages, safe working environments. it is huge for my family. now, there are questions
trying to push back because thus far it hasn t been a success. we only need three republicans to decide that the person who heads the labor department ought to support workers. safe working environments. people having a living wage. you re right. any one of a number of things that have come forward about him would have disqualified any other nominee. i helped lead an effort where we did a citizen forum with his employees coming in and former employees, and it was shocking. it was absolutely shocking to hear the way they had been treated by this man. do you think who has led this company. do you think you have three republicans? we don t know at this point. there s going to be there s a lot of people engaged in this on a lot of different levels, and we ll have to wait and see. they ve got to decide on their own, and be accountable to their citizens. their working men and women in their states. and so we ll see.