dana: from enterprise reporting thank you senator graham for being life on the daily briefing. let s bring martha maccallum listening to that. martha, i was thinking lindsey graham, so reasonable and commonsensical. and maybe they will make a difference this time, but it is like the words are not penetrating. to the public. martha: it s always been about semantics when you think about it the discussion of the wall and the president talking about steel slats and then nancy pelosi said the wall was a manhood issue for the president. but lindsey graham is exactly right. when you boil it down both sides of the fence, essentially they agree to the same thing. you need to have a border as he said nine months pregnant women can t fight over. that is dangerous. you want to provide safe port of entry along the way and walls in between that work. i thought it was interesting lindsey graham said and was saying about physically going back to this notion of comprehensive immigration reform wh