When the azaan vs Hanuman Chalisa controversy was taking place in Maharashtra last month, the Sai Baba shrine in Shirdi decided to follow the Supreme Court guidelines given in a 2005 verdict that public address systems could only be used between 6 am and 10 pm. The Shirdi shrine traditionally has five prayers, three of which take place at 5 am, 5.15 am and 10 pm, that are no
Sai Baba of Shirdi is a spiritual figure worshipped across the globe.
The saint or fakir of Shirdi has an ocean of devotees scattered in every corner of the world.
Baba s teachings and learnings have travelled over years and people irrespective of their religion have shown utmost faith in the Satguru.
New Delhi: On the auspicious occasion of Ram Navami, which is being celebrated this year on April 21, devotees pray for the blessings of the Lord. The day also concludes the 9-day Chaitra Navratri festival which began this year on April 13 respectively. Much like everywhere else, Lord Rama s birthday is celebrated with much gusto in Shirdi.
Labelled ‘jihadi’, Sai Baba’s idol demolished in Delhi. Hindu hardliner exults. Devotees despair
The demolition is inspired by the same ideas that animate attacks on religious minorities, say scholars. Apr 04, 2021 · 06:30 am An idol of Sai Baba was demolished in a temple in Delhi on March 25. | Screenshots from videos circulating on social media.
First, he instructs a worker to uproot the idol with a crowbar, then he takes a hammer to it five times. “He is no god, he died in 1918,” the middle-aged man declares, looking into the camera. “He was Muslim.”
“Mullah hai,” says another voice in the background, using a pejorative term for Muslims.