Explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) experts have received a total of 1,520 calls this year with the majority of the calls having concerned people finding war-era ordnance. EOD teams have disarmed 6,750 pieces of ordnance in 11 month this year, the second largest result since 1992.
By sectors, the coronavirus vaccination rate is highest among those working in public administration and defense and lowest among workers in the construction sector.
Compared to previous weeks, the spread of the coronavirus in Estonia has either stayed the same or increased in all regions of Estonia, researchers at the University of Tartu announced.
Estonia will reach its maximum capacity for hospitalizations by mid-November, the Health Board's weekly overview (link in Estonian) reads. In addition, record-high coronavirus infection indicators were registered in Põlva and Pärnu counties over the last week with an increase expected next week.
Social Democratic Party (SDE) Indrek Saar is not planning on running for party chairman again. Riina Sikkut and Lauri Läänemets have thrown their hats in the ring.