Bollywood's beloved star Shah Rukh Khan and his team KKR celebrated their recent victory with an intimate party. Pictures showed SRK posing with players and their families. Saachi, wife of player Nitish Rana, shared a heartfelt message about the celebration. Player Rinku Singh also posted a picture with SRK and his family.
In one of the pictures, Nitish and Rinku are seen pulling Abdu s cheeks. Meanwhile, Rinku is being appreciated for his stellar performance in the 16th IPL edition. Abdu Rozik Cheeks Pulled by Rinku Singh and Nitish Rana in Adorable Photos After Kolkata Knight Riders Match in IPL 2023.
Nitish Rana s wife Saachi Marwah added that when she tried to lodge a police complaint, the officials chose not to take the matter forward since she had reached home safely.
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