Terminal was evacuated, had to be shut down for a good two hours this morninggbecause the suspicious item found just outside the curbside checkin. Denver police say an officer noticed an unattended back this morning and when a bomb sniffing dog got a hit on th bag the bomb squad was called, it turns out it only contained personal things so it was taken for further testing to find out why the dog whether it was the item or the bag or something else. Ittcould be anything. When those dogs hit we have to take the precaution and follow the next steps. Reporter dozens of passengers were stuck waiting behind police tape as this whole area was evacuat for their safety. But they were able to check into their fights and some that we talked to missed flights, but the best news this was not end and no one was hurt. As of right now the airport is back up and running as normal. Reporting live Jason Gruenauer denver seven. Another suspicious package forced a plane to make an unscheduled landing last
3 3 3 p, 3 ásomeá -g-e customerr could get a slight break on their bills next month. s a resuut of the reeent devestating storms. storms.unfortunately. áallá b-g-e ratepaaers could soon be electricity.megaa gillilaad is downtoww with the hard numbers. nummers.good mooning guys,lets for all of you left in he dark. dealing with thhs mess. thhre is a light at the end of the tunnel. went without power customer went without power during the ssorms. the greater the credit will be on their bill. this was aa order from maryland s public service commissioo.the monthly distribution charge vvries depending on how much energy you use. (gould) to find the balance between allowing the utility at the same time, not putting it in a position where it s using the evenue that it would be bringing innto &preinvest in the system. system. but customers would still have to pay a distribution fee for the first 24 hours of a power outage. so. now for the bad news. this is for everyone. your
3 madd today.at this hour. we areewaiting for the united states supreme court to make a n decision.megan gilliland is here withhmore on which way political analysts believe thh justices are leaning. good morning guys,if the analysts and pundits are corrrct. the answer f of what s to come of he affordable health carr aat. could rrst in the hands of this man right here. justicc anthony kennedy. he s just onn of nine justices making his decision.but if decision could be a deciding factor.kennedy s vote has decided dozens f five o-foou cases since ronalddregan appointeddhim to the bench in 1188.but according to one to. thisstime aaound. a - close vote might not be in the best interest of the igh court. [ vatz intervvee]]ot in 8:53:02 the supreme court wants to appear not to be political and it s difficult not to appear to be political if your decisions are five to four. trt=:06 trt=:06while many say you just can t predict the supreme coming up next half hour. thh direction he us
and theebaltiiore beltwwa. paal said he and his pamily including two small kids were driving along 6955 last hursday..when a rocc the size of a tennis ball crashed intoohis windshiild.. no one was hurt..but he pulled over and realized the damage that was done.. last night an stimated 15 cars were damaged..windshi and ssratched....traf ficcwas stopped for hours.. olice estimate close to a hundred rocks fell frrm the bridge operated by csx... p3 bridge and smacked my f the - winddhield and broke it... &pit..t soundee like a gun going off.it scaree me and my family. heard bang..glass..ame in at y face and my coat.. scared me a matter oo trying to find a safe plaae to stop csx released this statement today..we ave looked into this issue and cannot find anyindiiation of phere he materiallmay have come from..the bridgeeis strrcturally sound..we will continue to look into thhe situation.. another./ big story ./ you re . áonlyá. seeing./ firrt on fox.///. ááthháá. who s../ s
and theebaltiiore beltwwa. paal said he and his pamily including two small kids were driving along 6955 last hursday..when a rocc the size of a tennis ball crashed intoohis windshiild.. no one was hurt..but he pulled over and realized the damage that was done.. last night an stimated 15 cars were damaged..windshi and ssratched....traf ficcwas stopped for hours.. olice estimate close to a hundred rocks fell frrm the bridge operated by csx... p3 bridge and smacked my f the - winddhield and broke it... &pit..t soundee like a gun going off.it scaree me and my family. heard bang..glass..ame in at y face and my coat.. scared me a matter oo trying to find a safe plaae to stop csx released this statement today..we ave looked into this issue and cannot find anyindiiation of phere he materiallmay have come from..the bridgeeis strrcturally sound..we will continue to look into thhe situation.. another./ big story ./ you re . áonlyá. seeing./ firrt on fox.///. ááthháá. who s../ s