Waterside Community Trust has secured £254,000 in Government funding to fully refurbish the changing rooms at the centre, as well as replacing the roof above the changing rooms.
The New South Wales Liberal Party State Conference has adopted a motion calling on the Federal Australian Government to recognise the independence of the Republic of Artsakh, as well as accurately characterise the Armenian, Assyrian and Greek Genocides committed by the Ottoman Empire in 1915, reported the Armenian National Committee of Australia (ANC-AU). The Liberal
Election candidates asked how they would support the return of an Isle of Wight ice rink
Candidates from across the political spectrum were asked where they stood on the issue of supporting an ice rink back on the Island
Details of where candidates in today’s Isle of Wight council and town, parish and community councils stand on the issue Ryde Arena have been shared by Ryde Arena Community Action Group (RACAG).
RACAG asked all candidates in the election to detail how they would support getting an ice rink back on the Isle of Wight.
They explained,
“The Covid-19 pandemic has changed all of our lives and further complicated the situation for us. The planning permission for the Smallbrook site came with a list of conditions, many of which can only be addressed by the council.
Following on from the successful development approval for the Ryde Civic Centre transformation, the
project enters the next significant stage with d emolition works to commence on 1 March 2021.
The demolition works will continue through to July 2021, weather permitting and will include the demolition
of the seven -storey Civic Centre and one -storey Community Hall.
A number of significant items from the old Civic Centre such as signage, coat of arms and a mosaic floor
design will be incorporated into the new development where possible.
City of Ryde Mayor, Clr Jerome Laxale, and representatives from Taylor Construction Group met with local