his body weight 20% of his body weight and we can control that, and he ll walk as normal as he can. so when retraining sort of the motor patterns in his brain, so we actually walks normally again. um and then we ll do some strength training with him. um and then more stretching. we ll put him in the jacuzzi warm up. we ll put him in the pool to cool down. um you know, it s sort of trying to keep it fun and interesting, but you know, you kind of go through the grit and grind and the hard work at the same time, dr. vincent that is so fascinating. great question, evan. thank you for sharing all of that with us. it s really interesting to hear about his recovery and his mindset and we also we thank you for coming on. and we also thank jeremy renner for giving you permission to talk to us tonight because i think so many people are really concerned and interested. thank you for all the information. yeah. thanks for having me. thank you very much. okay moving on to this. l s u star angel rees
? i think so. um you know, i think we ve all thought a lot about this, but on balance, what we see happening is that this is a smart decision because without even having declared, republicans are defeating themselves, right? i mean, just this week, the former president in the in the leading contender for the republican nomination, was indicted. and of course, is going to be, i think indicted by other prosecuting authorities, whether in fulton county or at the u. s department of justice, not sure that s making him less politically viable. yeah well in a general election, i think it does make him less politically viable, especially when these more serious charges get made against him. not so much. maybe that would happen in the manhattan in manhattan, which i think is important on it in its own, right. i mean, we shouldn t minimize campaign finance violations in the manipulation of business records, but everyone knows or a lot of people know that joe biden is seeking reelection and it s
maternity care desserts like ohio and appalachia we re actually doing in in, you know, urban settings where there are maternity care desserts as well. washington d c being one of them. we have arizona as well. but other things that need to happen is advocacy. we really need to get out there and extend, for instance, on the state level are are medicaid. 60 days after you deliver is not good enough. we need to extend for full year and some states have done it. others have not. but one of the biggest things we could do is really advocate for our moms and our babies and families. what can these expectant mothers do? right now ? i mean, can midwives and doulas help fill the gap? should they be calling them? of dimes to see where you re more mobile units are going to be yes, we re actually launching one in new york city. we re hoping to launch another as well this year , but mobile. it s a really complex problem with not just one solution. um you know, i think the march of dimes you know, ha
appreciate the question. i think , listen, i think as a march of dimes we recognize that access is one of the biggest barriers, um, to the health of our pregnancies are you know babies and our families and access to care. we know at the march of dimes, right? maternity care desserts is rising with that 2% that s been, you know, rising maternal care because we re going in the wrong direction, and the those are in some of the states where the abortion laws are the most. you know, are restricting access, and we already have some of the highest maternal morbidity and mortality in those states. um you know, i ve been a provider and obi provider for almost 30 years delivering babies. i m worried about obstetricians. um not right. finding a place safe place to be able to practice and recruiting them is already hard enough to get people to want to go into this field. um i am worried about health care and the way we re criminalizing it for providers. to have to go and
them said that, clarence thomas, um the law clearly required that things like private jet trips be disclosed, and that if thomas is arguing otherwise, he s incorrect. um now, do you mean to your broader point? um you know, i think one thing that s important to note is that there are very, very few restrictions . i want gifts justices can accept. they have to disclose most gifts, but there s no world in which it was against ethics law for him to go on a super yacht around the world and fly on a private jet, even if it could have cost half a million dollars, and that s a really stark contrast to the other branches of government. um yeah . and clarence thomas has said that he prefers being around quote normal and regular people . let s take a look at this clip from the 2020 documentary created equal clearance. thomas in his own words. i prefer the