services, alternatives to abortion. says s was inspired to do this work because at 19 had an abortion and regrets it. texas lawmakers passed a law banning abortions after six weeks of pregnancy. women we re seeing seem more panicked and angry, there is a shorter time frame. how much more panicked and scared when it s illegal? once that s decided to be illegal, it goes off the table for them. rule followers for lack of a better word. hope is some of the panic goes away. reporter: in the states with trigger laws, abortion access will look different. five states have different versions of laws that would allow abortions in cases of rape, incest or if the life of the mother is in danger. eight states only if the mother is in danger. all of this likely will have one clear effect for states where
in deny march th. when we asked citizens whether they can cope with any more restrictions, only 10% says they cannot do it. so there is no real sign of fatigue yet. it sounds like danes are rule followers. to a large extent we are rule followers. but it is not blind obedience. it is because we feel that we are being explained why we need to do and it what we need to do. his research found americans followed covid rules to a lesser extent than danes. but omicron won t have it any less hard. many times across the world with omicron. the only thing we can hope for, that the severity of the disease
whether they cannot cope with any more restrictions, only 10% say that they cannot do that. so there is no real sign of fatigue yet. it sound like danes are rule followers. to a large extent, we are rule followers, but it is not sort of blind obedience. it is because we feel that we are being explained why we need to do it and what we need to do. reporter: his research found americans followed covid rules to a lesser extent than danes, but omicron won t hit the u.s. any less hard. i think that we will be facing very tough times across the world with omicron. and the only thing that we can hope of is then that the severity of the disease will be mild enough that the health systems are not being overwhelmed. omicron infections are also
As the protesting Canadian truckers’ blockade over vaccine mandates enters its third week, the New York Times remains breezily supportive of their socialist dreamboat Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his authoritarian crackdown on COVID protests, including even the deployment of troops.
As the protesting Canadian truckers’ blockade over vaccine mandates enters its third week, the New York Times remains breezily supportive of their socialist dreamboat Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his authoritarian crackdown on COVID protests, including even the deployment of troops.