i think those are good laws. good laws pro vent people from if you demonstrate you re willing to use a gun violently to commit a crime. if you ve been committed of domestic abuse and used a firearm previous fli an armed robbery, the background checks reveal this and prevent those people are legally purchasing and possessing fire arms. those are good laws. but laws like gun free zone laws where you slap a sticker on a door and say no guns allowed, those are bad laws because the only naem are not going to bring guns into those locations are people who are rule followers who are law abiding people. you effectively disarmed them. you create a disparity between the haves and have nots. the naem have tpeople that have are people willing to break laws f you re willing to go into a school and commit mass murder, you re not deter bid a sticker on the door f you re a law abiding person, you will. so what you ve done is you create disparity between the haves and have nots with guns. those who u
hands full but we d like your advice about public messaging on the violence in libya over the past ten days. she s asking him for help with public messaging, jake sullivan, which is the other half of the question that i don t think we got to. i understand chris stephens was a rule followers. i ve got fno qualms. my question is not why chris stephens didn t contact you but why did jake sullivan send chris stephens a sydney bloomingthal e-mail to read and react to on a day after the facility was attacked. instead of e-mail traffic back and forth about security it s read and react to a bloomingthal e-mail. i think any ambassador would say they handled a lot of incoming information and
homework in and be better than everybody else. exactly. we reward girls who are rule followers. we tend to reward boys who are rule breakers. and so come presidential time or mayoral time or anything else, we see rule breaking boys and rule following girls. it is true on both the left and the right. thank you so much. glad i asked. melissa harris-perry. vandals this is horrific vabdl lvandals stru lincoln memorial last night splattering green paint on the base of the statue of our nation s 16th president. memorial is closed until the statue is cleaned. police are looking at the surveillance tape. the crime sparked online outrage on twitter. understandably. this is the iconic statue, probably the most important memorial in washington. fortunately, it does not appear to have suffered permanent damage. [ male announcer ] here at optionsxpress, our clients really seem
minister who told me in the history of europe it was occupied and it broke down into two different types of people, rule followers who followed authority and people who bucked authority and didn t like being told what to do and the second group of people got on a boat and came into america. it is built into our cultural dna that we don t like being told what to do and the symbolic idea that we are armed against tyrany runs deep. i don t think you can fight off the atf with a gun. if you think the reason we have a second amendment as rooted in originalism then there are two sides of the ledger. one is how many guns do i have and the other is how big is the pentagon. the other side of the equation does not look good. one of the things tyranies do