The Tenant Trailer: Depicting the plight and struggles of a single woman in society, The Tenant revolving around Shamita Shetty s character, also stars Swanand Kirkire, Sheeba Chaddha , Rudraksh Jaiswal amongst others
Directed by Disha Rindani and starring Pratik Gandhi in the lead role, Shimmy bagged a host of nominations at the prestigious Critics Choice Awards. This is a beautiful story, narrated and performed with utmost innocence and sincerity that has gone on to touch many hearts, of audiences & critics.
The video was originally shot by his Indian co-star Rudhraksh Jaiswal who taught him Hindi and after the reciting the lines, Hemsworth felt nothing but ‘fluent, better than Spanish’.
As teenage love story Crushed releases on Wednesday, actors Rudraksh Jaiswal and Aadhya Anand said that in reality they do not have any crush story to share and perhaps that is why doing the show was an opportunity for them to do something .