Power starts right now. Enjoy that. static Static Continues Car Engine Humming intense wind its such a such a sort of, satisfying thing, i guess, to be in power. And they usually, the great persons usually told you to do. If you looked around, they werent there when the showdown came. Whistle Blowing [officer] go home or go to your church, this march will not continue. [ella] what i do, [officer] see that they disperse. [ella] is supposed to speak louder than what i say. Marching Footfalls siren sound screaming Whistle Blowing screaming Horns Honking Hooves Beating On Pavement drum sounds siren drum sounds screaming Overlapping Shouting shouting continues [speaker] last sunday, a group of Negro Americans in selma, alabama attempted peacefully to protest the denial of the most basic political right of all. The right to vote. People have to have faith in themselves and they can only gain that faith by being given the opportunity to grow. And when people value what they can do, they dont
During the civil rights movement, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee developed a system of shared rides for activists in the South called the Sojourner Motor Fleet. Morning Edition's Leah Fleming interviews members Freddie Greene Biddle and Judy Richardson to talk about how the fleet was organized right out of SNCC's Atlanta headquarters.