To keep fighting. The hispanic vote, experts say the growing demographic will likely decide the next electio. Beginning with the u. S. President ial campaign tonight alabama senator has endorsed donald trump for president. It is another one from david duke that is creating controversy. He declined to disavow the endorsement saying he doesnt know anything about david duke i have to look at the group. I dont know what group youre talking about. I have to look. If you would send me a list of the groups, i will do research on them and certainly i would disavow if i thought there was something wrong. You may have groups in there that would be fine. Give me a list and i will let you know. Im just talking about david duke and kkk here i dont know him. I dont believe ive ever met. I just dont know anything about him the controversy began just days before super tuesday when voters in 12 states will go to the polls. The primary day could be decisive in determinative who will get the nomination.
Denegrofication of the white house is getting closer and closer. laughter closer and closer. So lets check in to see whats happening with the unblackening. applause on saturday, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders took their fierce battle to the state of nevada. It was like pacquiaomayweather in las vegas, but with less homophobia and more aarp eligibility. Little bit lower laughter bernie had some momentum, but hillarys campaign knew just the right ointment to treat the bern. laughter she won easily and turnout was high. But there was one key demographic that was in dispute. In a new memo, the clinton camp is disputing entrance polls that showed sanders won the latino vote by 8 points. It is not possible that clinton lost the latino vote, the campaign writes, citing her doubledigit win in the heavily latino clark county, home of las vegas. Larry yeah, theyre fighting over latinos its your turn to be fawned over amigos first it was the farmers in iowa, then it was the people who dont ca
Partners at purple strategies. We look at the seven Southern States that vote on the republican side in the president ial race on march 1. This is all mine that surveyed populations of likely primary voters from those states. Heres what we found. Donald trump with 37 , a whopping 17 points ahead of ted cruz and marco rubio who are tied at 20 . Ben carson are in the single digits. What stands out to you most about the poll . Mark Donald Trumps king at the south. Hes strong not just in the horse race, but the voters dont consider him the most conservative and yet they still give him the lead. Attempts to paint him as less conservative will not have an effect on his standing. He beat the individual candidates headtohead. That undermines the argument, donald trump over ted cruz. Over rubio, 4844. John if you look at this poll, and its hard to poll a whole bunch of states together. Its a very complicated business with all the Southern States. Its true what you said, its not just that he is
Partners at purple strategies. We look at the seven Southern States that vote on the republican side in the president ial race on march 1. We survey populations of likely primary voters from those states. Heres what we found. With 37 , a whopping 17 points ahead of ted cruz and marco rubio who are tied at 20 . John kasey kahne ben carson are in the single digits. What stands out to you most about the poll . At theonald trumps king south. Hes strong not just in the horse race, but the voters dont consider him the most conservative and yet they still give him the lead. Attempts to paint him as less conservative will not have an effect on his standing. He beat the individual candidates headtohead. That undermines the argument, donald trump over ted cruz. , 4844. Io john if you look at this poll, and its hard to poll a whole bunch of states together. Its a very complicated business with all the Southern States. Its true what you said, its not just that he is ahead by so much, its the ways
Friend and loved his family deeply and so, you know, its important before we rush into all the politics of this to to take stock of somebody who made enormous contributions to the United States, and we are grateful not only for his service but for his familys service. The constitution is pretty clear about what is supposed to happen now. When there is a vacancy on the Supreme Court, the president of the United States is to nominate someone. The senate is to consider that nomination and either they disapprove of that nominee or that nominee is elevated to the Supreme Court. Historically this has not been viewed as a question. Theres no unwritten law that says that it can only be done on off years. Thats not in the constitutional text. Im amused when i hear people who claim to be strict interpreters of the constitution suddenly reading into it a whole series of provisions that are not there. There is more than enough time for the senate to consider in a thoughtful way the record of a nom