you ?sure i thin how do youw? kno melet show you some put two fi ngers right on t phoseads. look at that!th at s your heart! atpr is ettyme aweso. with kardie,amobil yanou c take a medical-grakgde e in jusect 30 sonds, frnyom awhere. ka rdiamobile is proven to detect atrial fibrill, on e of the leadi ng ca ousesf stroke. kardleiamobi iw s noavaielabl r fojust $79. r ordeatdi or amazon. wh y give your fami ly just any eggs when they cajon eny e bethst? gland s be e on thlygg es with more h anfresd lidecious taste. us, plsuripeor nutrition. which is mor nowe importthanant only eggland b sest. as seoneom livg in with type 2 diabet, i want to keep it real and botalk aut some withype t2 dietesab yo u ha up veto 4imes t eategrr ri ofsk st roke ,hearattat ck, deaorth. ev at enyour1c g aoal, yo u retill s at skri iignof red co uld ing bryou here. ..ayut y pou in one thoofse. .or even worse. too much th s tathe point. get real aboutour yrisks and do somethi abo
a traditional professions such as farming that we have been good at for centurie ends on end is not the cause of a modern day so-called crisis. d such as climate change.w what so, no , the people know what they want. we don tt want to be eating insects. we want our stake. long and as lonasg as we well keephae saying no to this insect, this insect bush, we might still have a chance of eating it. but i really do feel like nowe is the time to say exactly. farmers are not the problem. overpaid nonprofit executives and politicians aresly. the problem, obviously, eveny mh for dinga brooks. than k you very much for joining, us , as always. thank you, tucker.uc ker: sso what does this new bugl going to look like? my name it is . hey, my name is chefe joseph yoon, edible insect ambassador and he workedapprecia to raise awareness and appreciation for sustainabl e protein. how can we sustainably feed the growing population around the world?
but i hate to say what we have broad shoulders. are we offende d? oursel no, we re up for a good laugh and good humor. we can laugh at ourselves ever y other culture should take from h the irish. and don t be afraid to laugh yourself. e go ahead, joke. sho make fun of us . you say every culture shouldth take from the irish, but obviously joe biden likes to take from every culture. rememberirish.emember,, he wants to his last name because he s polish. he s grew up next to the puerto rican community, marched in the civil rights movement. i meane, this h, this guy, rigf yeah. he likes to have a lot of fun indulging in other cultures. k s but i will say i second, sean s point. i think it s okay to have is on a stereotypical joke every nowe and then. in hin fact, this is one ontf the few moments that he s actually been charismatic and is speaking charismati char joe biden normally do not go together. but i guess today, nexmoving ate is moving away from flipping wah the bird in traffic b
to the first debate is that that s probably going to beatcht the most watched debate ofe of t primary season ever, because it s going to be the two se theu finally on stage. o you think that take ron desantis will finally take the gloves off against president trump? yeah, look, i think it s the prospect is certainly for observers like us , absolutely fascinating. absolute it s the young buck who s nowe challenging the alpha buck. eve but i don t think that trumps gs is really even taking his gloves off off yet. so far , i think he s just is circling ron desantis, sizing him up, trying outline, seeing if they work. so far , they ve all been t. e toddf rhondda sanctimonious hasn t worked. i think he tried ron desanti trs in iowa.k i think that works.orks. and he s going back really 2012. a long way to 2012. i don t thinthink that wilk thak either, because, you know, ron desantis is known now for
i ever did before. man, it was unbelievable reporter: coach mccauley says carson s dedication to the team inspires them all. carson has been there for the team from day one and he s a part of the team and he s just like everybody else reporter: its a message carson s family says is about a lot more than just a game it s about being accepting of not just disabilities, but we re all different. and everyone has a place. and if we can open our hearts and open our minds to people who may not look like us or may not act like us or may not learn like us, we might actually learn something from them isn t that the truth? and with the basketball season ending, carson s now going to become the team manager for track and field. we wish him all the luck in the world. that is nbc nightly news for this sunday. lester holt will be with you tomorrow. i m kate snowe for all of us at nbc news, stay safe. have a great night