RRB Group D Answer Key 2022 is now available on the official websites of regional RRBs or rrbcdg.gov.in, scroll down for the direct link to download the answer key and cut off.
RRB Group D Answer Key 2022 is now available on the official websites of regional RRBs or rrbcdg.gov.in, scroll down for the direct link to download the answer key.
The window to challenge answer key closes on February 28 (6 pm)
Candidates can raise objection by paying Rs 50 per question
New Delhi: The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) will release the answer key for the Computer Based Test (CBT) conducted for recruitment to various ministerial and isolated categories at 6 pm on Monday (February 22).
The exams were conducted between December 15, 2020, to December 18, 2020, and on January 7, 2021.
The answer key will be made available on the websites of RRBs. The link to view and challenge the answer key will be open from February 22 (6 pm) to February 28 (6 pm).
Candidates will able to raise objections to the answer key by paying a fee of Rs 50 per question. In case the objection raised is found to be correct, the Fee Paid against such valid objections shall be refunded to the candidate, read the notification on the RRB website.