RBI’s 7-day VRR auction for Rs 1 lakh crore, Advance tax deadline in Top News on December 15: DOMS IPO to close, Share market, Bank Nifty outlook, Q2 Results, petrol price today also in focus.
The menu, which was for a state banquet in 1956, included delicacies like Consommé of Swallow Nest and White Agaric,” “Shark’s Fin in Brown Sauce,” and “Roast Peking Duck.”
Fans of Prince, known nearly as much for his extravagant wardrobe as for his chart-topping hits, will have a chance to bid on some of the late musician's items.
The auction traces Prince s evolution in music and fashion from his Purple Rain era through to his death, according to Bobby Livingston of RR Auction.