the worst conditions they ve ever seen. a stinking, rotten mess. the house had been occupied by a reclusive mother and son. both in poor health. they left their home only after it was condemned by authorities. when you walked up to the steps, you saw a bunch of yellow tape because the town had just condemned the house. when that happens, you re quite apprehensive about what is behind that door? you could already smell it before we even opened the door. you had to wear the respirators. you would not have been able to breathe at all. we climbed around to try to make sense of what the contents were. you couldn t even recognize the kitchen. there was so much organic material. the team finds the living room by identifying the very top of the fireplace. and cannot believe what they re facing. the living room had this big recliner in it, and between the
that she had recently purchased as gifts. just a complete mess. everything came home, nothing had a place. she had a sofa sleeper that she was using because she could not walk up the stairs because she had just had knee surgery. and the whole second level was uninhabitable. turns out that all that construction material was because they had renovated a bathroom. so you go to the top of the stairs and on the left was this amazing bathroom. it was unfortunate that she could not even get up there to use it. you couldn t walk into the bedroom. and then the home office that was upstairs, that was over. i mean, it was full of office supplies. so it was just about safety and about her mobility issues. the job of painstakingly combing through and removing room after room of debris takes
a stinking, rotten mess. the house had been occupied by a reclusive mother and son. both in poor health. they left their home only after it was condemned by authorities. when you walked up to the steps, you saw a bunch of yellow tape because the town had just condemned the house. when that happens, you re quite apprehensive about what is behind that door. you could already smell it before we even opened the door. you had to wear the respirators. you would not have been able to breathe at all. we climbed around to try to make sense of what the contents were. you couldn t even recognize the kitchen. there was so much organic material. the team finds the living room by identifying the very top of the fireplace. and cannot believe what they re facing. the living room had this big recliner in it, and between the door and coming in to where the
every single book in there was about philosophy, religion and health. there was nothing else there. the removal team winds their way through the literary maze. when you walk through this tunnel, down to the window and over on one side there was what may have been a sink. to clear the apartment, the crew hauls the books out into a bin on the curb, but over the course of five days, they notice not only isn t the pile growing, it s getting smaller. people on the street would go and take the books. so every time we showed up, it was kind of a joke. you know, how the dumpster would be less and less. a once hidden treasure of hard covers and paperbacks is donated to dumpster diving book worms. 2006 in new jersey. the disaster masters encounter the worst conditions they ve ever seen. a stinking, rotten mess.
it just went up six, seven feet high. every single book in there was about philosophy, religion and health. there was nothing else there. the removal team winds their way through the literary maze. when you walk through this tunnel, down to the window and over on one side there was what may have been a sink. to clear the apartment, the crew hauls the books out into a bin on the curb, but over the course of five days, they notice not only isn t the pile growing, it s getting smaller. people on the street would go and take the books. so every time we showed up, it was kind of a joke. you know, how the dumpster would be less and less. a once hidden treasure of hard covers and paperbacks is donated to dumpster diving book worms. 2006 in new jersey. the disaster masters encounter the worst conditions they ve ever seen. a stinking, rotten mess. the house had been occupied by a reclusive mother and son. both in poor health. they left their home only after it was condemned by