Buffalo City Metro is drowning in trash dumped along its highways and byways, but the city's latest attempt to name and shame people on social media may not be entirely legal.
East London Street artist Nathan Sanan has created an underwater world on the outer wall of a home in Sunrise-on-Sea. Fishermen stop to compare their own catch to the bluetail fish painted on the wall, and children pretend they are jumping through it to swim with the humpback whale so realistically painted you can almost touch the barnacles on its back.
As food prices continue to skyrocket, consumers had to shell out almost R600 more in December 2022 for their food baskets than in 2021. According to the December 2022 Household Affordability Index, compiled by the Pietermaritzburg Economic Justice & Dignity Group (PMBEJD), food price data from across the country shows that the cost of the average household food basket increased by R577.
The Bonza Bay beach and Quenera River have been closed due to sewage spillages, with heavy rains, vandalised pump stations and load-shedding causing havoc in the already crumbling pipe system. Buffalo City spokesperson Samkelo Ngwenya confirmed the beach had been closed due to the spillage, with a notice posted on the metro’s Facebook page on Thursday.
Smiling in their lounge chairs, the elderly residents of Stirling Lodge light up when they see Marie-Claire Hand, 61, from Nahoon on her daily visit to the assisted living facility. In the past, one resident in particular, Maureen Hackman, would have sat in her wheelchair doubled over a pair of knitting needles, struggling to cast her yarn after a stroke in her early forties left her without the use of her right arm.