Dirty for the sake of dirty. Nothing worse than that. On the show tonight. Listen i wont be cussing tonight. Just sos you know. No, i will. Dont [ bleep ] me. Allowing an artist to use the word [ bleep ] is not allowing a guitarist to use the chord e. Its possible to play the instrument but why the [ bleep ] would you bother. Dont wave your finger at me, you knew when you got here thered be cussing. Last thing comedy needs it to be polite. World wasnt changed by anyone being wellmannered or quiet. Theres exhilaration in pushing the boundaries. I have memory of being three and would shower with my mother. Mom got her water from the showerhead. That water would then cascade down her ample boss om and pike off her 70s jew bush, that was my water. I was raised by parents who spoke explicitly. Theres something about growing up not knowing that talking about your vagina or penises was taboo. If you havent done it before, ladies go home and treat yourself. Do it tonight. Give your man a littl
Listen i wont be cussing tonight. Just sos you know. No, i will. Dont [ bleep ] me. Allowing an artist to use the word [ bleep ] is not allowing a guitarist to use the chord e. Its possible to play the instrument but why the [ bleep ] would you bother. Dont wave your finger at me, you knew when you got here thered be cussing. Last thing comedy needs it to be polite. World wasnt changed by anyone being wellmannered or quiet. Theres exhilaration in pushing the boundaries. I have memory of being three and would shower with my mother. Mom got her water from the showerhead. That water would then cascade down her ample bossum and pike off her 70s jew bush, that was my water. I was raised by parents who spoke explicitly. Theres something about growing up not knowing that talking about your vagina or penises was taboo. If you havent done it before, ladies go home and treat yourself. Do it tonight. Give your man a little push push in the tush, give him atari. Whole comedy career told to be less