the deaths of some 900 protesters during a 2011 uprising. a showdown over the budget. just two weeks ago before a possible, i should say another government shutdown on october 1st and the gulp between the democrats and republicans are as big as ever. congress needs to pass a budget and not attach politicalpolitical motivated riders on their coatdale tails. you into ed to make reforms that begin to involve the spending problem that washington has. how does this get resolved? the director of the american values institute joins us. ron longine. thank you both for talking to me. alexis washington, obviously, has a huge betting problem.
tended to be completely ignorant of where the americans are on these issues. he is completely ignorant of where his own party is. a majority of republican voters don t want to shut down. they don t want all of these arguments. they want to see the leadership come back to the table and stop taking away things essential for our growing middle cloos. why do we keep coming to this road, though, ron, this isn t the first time we have been in the threat of a potential government throwdown or shutdown. what about gop lawmakers also who wanted to fund obamacare, how does that play into the risk of a shutdown. it will be a risk. they are fighting the status quo obama wants to keep spending or keep things as they r. we are trying to make sure things are different. in terms of obamacare, yes, that has to be worked out. there is an internal fiber for that. i do like the idea that has emerged regarding the delay of
we don t need boeh ener to spell it out for us. i would agree with you, i think washington does not have a big spending problem. i think the challenge is we are having the same debate, the same conversation about debt limit, continued resolutions and shutdown when the loadership is not putting forward any new ideas. what they want to do is defund health care, education, jobs. we need to be thinking of how to grow our economy and stop taking away the very things that are helping our middle class and our senior citizens move forward during this time. ron, would you agree that washington doesn t have a spending problem? how can you do that? i almost fell out of my seat when i heard that. we worry about our debt ceiling. gee, i see where you have a spending problem. that s why the republicans have pushed washington towards dealing with these fiscal issues. that s why they are in bed with the white house. for the past several years, the