IT software major Tech Mahindra on Thursday reported its consolidated profit after tax (PAT) at Rs 2,358 crore for FY24, down 51.2 per cent (year-on-year).The revenue for the last fiscal year was Rs 51,996 crore, down 2.4 per cent (YoY), while .
IT software major Tech Mahindra on Thursday reported its consolidated profit after tax (PAT) at Rs 2,358 crore for FY24, down 51.2 per cent (year-on-year).
Tech Mahindra is steadily adding fresh graduates and we are continuing on our path of absorbing 1500 plus fresh graduates every quarter, said CEO Mohit Joshi.
By FY27, Tech Mahindra has set a goal to expand EBIT margin to 15 percent and have higher topline growth as compared to peer average of top six-seven IT services players.