The Karnataka High Court has refused to quash the defamation complaint lodged against IPS officer D Roopa by IAS Officer Rohini Sindhuri for allegedly publishing defamatory content against her..
IAS Rohini Sindhuri and IPS D Roopa Moudgil officers of Karnataka who had a fight on social media in February have returned to work. The Karnataka government has given them new assignments.
Justice Sachin Shankar Magadum observed that Moudgil's statements on her social media account as well as before the print media warranted a criminal trial.
Nominal Index M/S Tonbo Imaging India Pvt Ltd Versus Union Of India. 2023 LiveLaw (Kar) 134Manje Gowda And State of Karnataka & Others. 2023 LiveLaw (Kar) 135Rathnamma & ANR And State of Karnataka &.