them. mitt and barack outfront tonight. and how a lot of money is riding on tomorrow s debate. a lot. let s go outfront. good evening, everyone, i m erin burnett. outfront tonight, warning signs missed? that s what the republican head of the house oversight committee is charging tonight in the lead up to the u.s. ambassador s death in libya. he s calling for congress to return for a special hearing next week. it was a three-page letter and in it, darrell issa listed 13 security incidents and threats in libya in the past six months. including in june, a pro gadhafi facebook page mentioned his running habits. the posting directed a threat against stevens. issa says stevens stopped his morning runs for about a week and then resumed them. in june, an ied was successfully placed at the u.s. consulate in benghazi, blowing a hole in the security perimeter gate, big enough for 40 people to go through. and in the weeks before the september 11th attacks, unarmed libyan guards w
abolish corporate subsidies. good-bye farmers in iowa, you re not going to be getting any help from this guy. and, of course, return spending to the 2006 levels. now, this kind of stuff works in a state of older demographics because as roger simons says, hey, people read this stuff. they do read it. this has had a big impact. since they ve been putting this kind of stuff out, this is when ron paul has been moving up in the polls. it s the direct mail tactic that is an old conservative thing that was put together way back when, 30, 40 years ago by richard viguerie and the old conservatives. this is how ron paul s ground game is getting people into the fold. the question is, is he going to be able to turn people out? he s already picking and choosing his media. the candidate has stopped doing national interviews, maybe it has something to do with the ordeal he had the other day with cnn. they talk only to local voters and local iowa media. ron paul did a job today, did a good job today o
balance the budget if he could do that. abolish corporate subsidies. good-bye farmers in iowa, you re not going to be getting any help from this guy. and, of course, return spending to the 2006 levels. now, this kind of stuff works in a state of older demographics because as roger simons says, hey, people read this stuff. they do read it. this has had a big impact. since they ve been putting this kind of stuff out, this is when ron paul has been moving up in the polls. it s the direct mail tactic that is an old conservative thing that was put together way back when, 30, 40 years ago by richard viguerie and the old conservatives. this is how ron paul s ground game is getting people into the fold. the question is, is he going to be able to turn people out? he s already picking and choosing his media. the candidate has stopped uájj national interviews, maybe it has something to do with the ordeal he had the other day with cnn. they talk only to local voters and local iowa media. ron pau
tax. he s going to bring our troops home. he s going to end foreign wars, end the fed, stop foreign aid, fix the borders, fix health care, repeal the patriot act. he was big on that today in newton, iowa, talking about how we have to get rid of the patriot act. violates the fourth amendment. he would return power to the states. the ninth and tenth amendment. balance the budget if he could do that. abolish corporate subsidies. good-bye farmers in iowa, you re not going to be getting any help from this guy. and, of course, return spending to the 2006 levels. now, this kind of stuff works in a state of older demographics because as roger simons says, hey, people read this stuff. they do read it. this has had a big impact. since they ve been putting this kind of stuff out, this is when ron paul has been moving up in the polls. it s the direct mail tactic that is an old conservative thing that was put together way back when, 30, 40 years ago by richard viguerie and the old conservatives.
you are not alone. and the anybody but mitt crowd continues with a new radio ad calling for sarah palin to jump into the presidential race. democratic strategist bob shrum handicaps iowa and beyond. our plan was righting for our state, and in my view, it was based upon conservative principles. mitt romney is touting the individual mandate as a conservative principle but still wants to repeal obama care. tonight, we ll highlight the republican hypocrisy. the republican effort to strip voting rights continues. and the justice department is taking action. the aclu s katie o connor and professor at occidental college, caroline heldman will talk about further action and have the latest on the gop voter obstruction. good to have you with us tonight, folks. thanks for watching. the story was in newton, iowa, today. i was there. it was the same old stuff. let s see. freedom, the constitution, limited government, protect liberty, repeal regulations. all pretty simple stuff a