Johnsons plans will spark a return to the violence of the past also coming up. Finding a way out of italys political crisis in the country starting to uncertainty one day after the final mr resign we look at the options now free from the country. And a warm welcome to you im a touchy british prime this is just Boris Johnson is coming to berlin to try and a speech. To reopen briggss negotiations johnson is demanding the removal of the silk or backstop the policy previously agreed to by the u. K. And the e. U. Team sure thered be no hard border on the island of ireland johnson claims the backstop would violate british sovereignty but the existing just doesnt work for the u. K. Parliament started out 3 times we cant have this backstop so im going to go to see our friends of bottling going off to germany and then to france and then to see the g 7 appearance and im going to make a point that the buck stops going to to come out. But you lead is it already rejected johnsons demands to reopen
June marks the beginning of hurricane season in the Central Pacific. Hurricanes Dot (1959), Iwa (1982), and Iniki (1992) were the most consequential in recent times.