Last week, I attended Bannock County’s quarterly Republican Central Committee meeting. It’s open to all registered Republicans, but I would have been blissfully unaware of this meeting if it weren’t
An AP VoteCast poll conducted during last week’s Iowa caucuses revealed that 62% of those who intended to participate did not believe that Joe Biden was legitimately elected in 2020.
The Detroit Lions won their first playoff game in three decades last Sunday night after defeating the Los Angeles Rams 24–23 in a thrilling game at Ford Field in Detroit.
Claudine Gay messed up. She had a sweet deal as the least-qualified president to ever lead an Ivy League school. All she had to do in order to sustain her
Happy holidays to everyone! Before anyone lays into me about saying “happy holidays” instead of “merry Christmas,” raging about the war on Christmas and my apparent surrender to wokeness, don t