and it gets progressively more unbelievable. and when you watch it, you ask, when did this stop being real? a lot of viral videos seem like they re just for fun but are really designed to pitch a brand without really looking like it. i was approached by an ad agency. they were doing a campaign called never hide for ray ban. i spent a lot of time on the couch with a pair of sunglasses in my hand and was thinking, what would be a good trick? but why settle on just one trick? benzo and his creative partner, steven hampt decide to shoot a montage of startling stunts, but are they real? according to the laws of physics and gravity, it s possible in theory. i think it just kind of rode that line of theoretically possible, closely, which is good.
i met your mother as roommates. reliving the happy moments. that s what made karlijn feel alive and that s what makes her present. that s what i feel right now. good show to watch as a group. i like that show. she was a champion rower, correct? tell us about her as an athlete. i can t speak to that one. katherine was the one who rode with her. was she good? she was phenomenal. that s what brought us together in the first place. this beautiful magical friendship. rowing started it all. she was a national junior rower from amsterdam and i was on the elite team from the united states. so our first bond was the intensity of rowing. how the body awareness and technique from the dutch was so different from the united states. she taught me a lot.
they re sleepy. why weaken the law at all in the senate? reporter: it depends on who you talk to. these lawmakers who are calling for this change in the rest rules, they actually don t think that it s weakening the law. they would argue that by putting those early morning restrictions saying you can t drive and to be clear, that would only apply to people who reach a certain amount of driving time. if you ve gotten to the 70-hour mark, this would apply to you. if you had not, this would not apply to you. for those drivers who have been on the road for a really long time, the rules now say that yo that has to include those early morning hours, 1:00 to 5:00. those arguing against it say, you know what, that s going to put a lot more trucks on the roadwaying during the daylight hours when you and i are on the rode with a lot of other people. that would create even more crashes. there are arguments on both
in quite quickly. so i would have probably i know i wouldn t have been able to walk to the beach. i just sort of floated in. rode along with it. but this fellow that helped me out, i was in san diego at a ranger reunion when i was paged. and it end up your name was called on the loudspeaker, right? it was called on there. it s a great part of your story. and bill mikoff whom i had been with him in headquarters. he saw my name on the roster as attending and he came over and he said he never believed how about this. what s amazing is he remembered you. he remembered your name and i was a member with him in a company for a period of time. i couldn t believe it. and here he so i never thought you would ever survive, he said but i had to move on.
in 2012 with elizabeth warren, where she sort of rode the president s popularity in massachusetts. now in new hampshire, he has to he s going to try to come back and ride the unpopularity of both the president and the health care law. and try to shackle jeanne shaheen to that. his challenge is going to be that she s a you know, she s a three-term governor there. she s the only woman to be elected senator and governor, across the country historically. so, he s got a tough job, but he s going to sort of ride the personality thing and the truck you ve seen has 286,000 miles on it now, he ll push that personality thing and try to overwhelm her with that. this is the third race in a row that scott brown will be running against a female candidate. folks would argue he did well against coakley, elizabeth warren he did get in trouble with the native american issue as well as calling her professor which some found demeaning. scott brown against jeanne shaheen, could he run into any