The cost. I pay money and i want to live this is my last chance. How can we solve this problem do we need new laws or artificial organs the only alternative. Florence gomez is young and might look healthy but she faces big physical challenges a genetic disorder means that her kidneys barely function the 23 year old is only able to work part time. Tension filled anguish saying im a lot more restricted when it comes to certain things. And i have to learn not to allow myself to be defined by this thing from this is after this thing i have to just carry on business and of light a lot. Dialysis is her only chance of survival at the moment she has to go to hospital in the swiss canton of 3 times a week each dialysis session lasts and least 4 hours. Her mother and her brother are unable to donate one of their kidneys to her because they have the same genetic disorder our kidneys filter toxins and waste out of the body and maintain our fluid balance florence gomezs body is unable to perform th
Is it the work you look for europe writes no. Also on the day a committee of m. P. s from Britains Parliament accuses the government of badly underestimating the threat from russia and failing to investigate the possibility of russian interference in the bratz it referendum so the question is who is protecting British Public from interference in our democratic process in a nutshell we found no one is. After 4 days and 4 nights of tough and often bad tempered negotiating the European Union has agreed i dont precedented 750000000000 Euro Coronavirus Recovery Fund countries hit hardest by covered 98 will receive loves and grants to try and river. Bath and economies of that 7c5xb3c9xb will be available as grants the other 360000000000 will be in the form of cheating lungs but it was a hard sell some countries held out to the last against if you start a departure from previous fiscal also doxy and the introduction of shared debt good morning to everyone and we did it europe is strong europe
Of your country is threatened by the water safe supposed to be is right on top of the water. Its not as float or a house its a hybrid. Climate curiositys happening its not happening in future or possibly its already going on. Its the future of humanity. And the sea levels will continue to rise but by how much. The earth is getting hosa the polar ice caps are melting in greenland and antarctica the ice is receding 6 times faster than expected. Sea levels around the world are rising. Geo mar the Helmholtz Center for research is located in kiel germany some of the worlds top climate experts work here including moji blood teef who studies Global Warming and its effects these are also nice ponds these enormous ice caps hold an immense amount of water just imagine if they were to melt away completely gooden global sea levels would rise by about 60 meters since meter. An increase of that magnitude would radically alter the earths geography much of Northern Europe could be submerged the nether
Piece past months just like many of us the coronavirus been them it has disrupted travel worldwide and my 1st trip after the easing of restrictions in germany took me to banda minda in the state of mecklenburg with surprise. Here from the lighthouse you can get a good view of the baltic resorts. Travelling in coronavirus times how does that look like with all the social distancing in hygiene rules its summer in germany so its high season and bet means it can get really crowded on the beach in restrooms in hotels and i would like to know how those people in charge and the tourists are dealing with this situation here in volume and. Also show you how the pandemic has affected life in south africa our viewer. Zuma gives us a tour of cape town. Our view of the week comes from a south American Family who traveled around Northern Europe before the crisis. And the visit World Heritage sites in mecklenburg western pomerania from this month to luke. Holiday makers are back here involved in the
This. In 1966 china was swept up by the rising tide of the cultural revolution in august more than 1000000 people gathered on kent on men square to celebrate. Chairman mao tse tung launched a movement for the masses the aim was to weed out anyone who appeared eager to steer the revolution and peoples mindsets toward capitalism the young people of china became messengers of miles communist doctrine. They were joined by people from all over the world who believed in miles philosophy. More than 400 foreigners were involved in the cultural revolution. Their sons and daughters known as the red children were given a communist education and as teenagers were drawn into the revolution their lives are a missing page in an otherwise well known chapter of chinese history. The story of the red children begins with that of their parents during this tumultuous period of the 20th century they left their homes with the dream of helping to found a new china. Well foods in force i would say. My father w