He was so poor that when he was arrested, his parents couldnt make 3000 of bail. He spent three years in rikers. A 16yearold kid. Nobody deserves to be in prison for three years without a trial date. The sixth amendment says that you get a trial, it also says you get a speedy trial. I do not what happened to him in prison, i can only imagine. He tried to commit suicide four times. This should not happen america in america. It is this report shortly happening to blacks hispanics. You know what, if we were the party that cared about the entire bill of rights, nobody on the democratic side does anything about this. The party that was once the emancipation could become the party of the entire bill of rights again i think you would see a seachange. [applause] people asked me, whats the worst thing going on in washington . Is a obamacare . What the president has done to immigration, war powers . I say, frankly, it is all of the above, but the category i would lump bit under is that the separ
We know that Food Security and Healthy Eating are really complex policy issues and you cannot just look at the issue from one dimension. And we search for a way to communicate this better and understand it better but we found it from the World Health Organization to be helpful for us and we have modified that. And so it has allowed us to accurately examine the issue. Food resource and access and consumption, the ability to have the resources to purpose the food. And this can come from your income oracle fresh or wic and other programs. Access to nutritionally appropriate food convenient to you and either through the food retaylor the food meal programs. And then, the Food Consumption really refers to the ability to prepare healthy meals and then the knowledge basic of the nutrition and food safety and cooking and so this is where, the whole area around cooking nutritional education and comes into play as well as. Through the rest of the presentation and through the report we have used
Consumption, the ability to have the resources to purpose the food. And this can come from your income oracle fresh or wic and other programs. Access to nutritionally appropriate food convenient to you and either through the food retaylor the food meal programs. And then, the Food Consumption really refers to the ability to prepare healthy meals and then the knowledge basic of the nutrition and food safety and cooking and so this is where, the whole area around cooking nutritional education and comes into play as well as. Through the rest of the presentation and through the report we have used this framework to present the data as well as present our challenges in each area and our recommendations and our what is working. And today, i am going to go through the challenges we dont have time and that is why you have the report. I want to note for the record that we have been joined by scott weiner. And the second challenge around the Food Resources is the fact that again, cal fresh which
Have the report. I want to note for the record that we have been joined by scott weiner. And the second challenge around the Food Resources is the fact that again, cal fresh which is the Food Stamp Program is highly effective but it is under enrolled as a state of cal, we actually ranked last in the country, in terms of participation in this program. The local food stamps has been growing over the past years. And the growth is pretty phenomenal. Now as you all probably heard in the media, there was a cut to the food stamp benefit levels at the end of october. And that was as a result of the stimulus funding that went away. And now, the average dollar value of for the food stamps for the meals is about a dollar 40 and so it went down from a dollar 60 to a dollar 40 and even though that is small, you will see late kneer it has a major impact on the peoples budgets and then the last challenge with this is many of the residents who really need the Food Resources are not eligible for cal fr
And finally you can see that the big white slides there and this is roughly a third of all of the meals, that is needed for the low income population have no identifiable resource. And that does not mean that the people cannot eat those meals, but it does enable to say, that we are a long way from meeting the needs of the low income in our city. And when you total up, to the actual number of meals and what you see, and i am sorry on property jeks is the total missing meals is a total of 74 million meals every single year in San Francisco. So can i just ask you, and thank you so much for cheering the task force 74 million meals per year if you calculated a dollar, 60 per meal that really megar amount that is allocated and about 100 million dollars. That is a good way of asking the question. I have to think about that for a little bit. And the researchers calculated it as the used actually the definition, of a cost of the meal at 2 40. And that is just based on i believe the low cost pla