The speaker the house will be in order. The prayer will be offered by our guest chaplain, reverend Charlie Martin of Bethel Baptist church of North Carolina. The chaplain lets pray together. Dear heavenly father, today, lord, we enter your gates with gates with thanksgiving and into your courts with praise. Thank you for your blessings, for america, our home. I call on you, o lord, to bless our land again. In the bible we read, if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then while i hear from will i hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Father you know that i trust you and your holy word and i call on you this morning to place your great hand upon this congress and upon this people. Please grant your wisdom and their in their decisions and leadership on behalf of all americans. For all of us who love this land and call america home, we call on you together today. In jesus na
Thank you. A minute before the red light comes on on the timer you will see a light changed from green to yellow, giving you an opportunity to conclude remarks. Your written testimony will be printed in the record in its entirety. Please let your oral testimony to ten minutes. And i understand that you will be presenting the statement for caterpillar. Is that correct . Yes, i well. Please proceed. Good afternoon, chairman levin, senator mccain. Thank you for the average into the job. For the subcommittee today. My name is julie legacy, and i am the vicepresident of the finance Services Division of caterpillar which includes tax and accounting function. On my left is caterpillars director of global tax and trade robin baron, a 24 year caterpillar employee. On my right is right perkins, who retired in 2009 as one of our International Tax managers after 35 years of service debt. We are proud to represent caterpillar before you today. Caterpillar is a Great American company, and our reputa
To me than to try to have all of you be part of it. Esther davis, i appreciate you showing the way. Thank you. We will now recognize the gentlelady from the district of columbia. Chairman, i must say i welcome this hearing on innovation and the Postal Service and particularly welcome private businesses who worked with the Postal Service. Wondered about the identity of the perpetual identity crisis we keep the Postal Service in. It is a little bit private or maybe mostly private chain to the federal government. Whereas the essence of being a private business when government does not get you anything is that you can go out and fail for yourself or rise. Most of the downsizing by the Postal Service has been done by cuts. I would much prefer innovation to be the road to the future of the Postal Service and i do not believe there is any way out of that. So every time i see on toolision an innovative for Postal Service is using, i come because i had become used to a kid growing up. I do see
Can find their own enforcement. I think every survivor will back that up. This weekend on cspan center requirement gaskell, the first of several discussions on combating rape and Sexual Assault on College Campuses in the morning attendees in. On book tv, the wife of former Vice President dick cheney and senior fellow at the American Enterprise institute exam as a political philosophy and president ial tenure of James Madison some morning and 11 00 on cspan2 as American History tv, the life and work of American Red Cross founder clara barton will visit her missing Soldiers Office followed by questions on cspan three. President obama travel tech cooperstown to deliver remarks at the National Baseball hall of fame and museum. The president spoke about increasing travel and tourism in the United States. This is 15. I have to say that in addition to just wonderful people, those of you all across america and around the world you have not been here, this is a gorgeous place. We came in by hel
Before, but i soon found outside worthld i was considerably less and it was a buyers market for labor. Without the extension we were left with the choice of signing a deed and selling our house back to the bank or facing foreclosure. February 27, for 4,000 we back to 175,000 house the bank. We had already gone down to one car and made so many other lifestyle, and now we were no longer homeowners. E. U. C. , weve had no income. At first we got by on our tax selling items. But to make last months rent i had to borrow from my dad who is retired. If i dont find work soon, i may to consider trying to look out of state and possibly be separated from my family for a time. I hold out hope that this congress will act with courage and compassion and extend the e. U. C. Program. Out theremany others like me that have special circumstances, that prevent them job,quickly finding a despite their best efforts, as weve heard through all these stories, and diligence. I pray that theyll do the right thi