KTW reached out to some other regional districts for their CAOs’ credit card charges. The number of restaurant/coffee shop/food expenses charged by CAOs in various regional districts in 2019:
• Sukh Gill, Thompson-Nicola Regional District: 172 times.
• Robert Lapham, Capital Regional District: 17 times.
• David Sewell, Regional District of North Okanagan: 6 times.
• Carol Mason and Jerry Dobrovolny, Metro Vancouver Regional District: one time.
TNRD board chair Ken Gillis said the board did not know the extent to which spending occurred and has called the amounts “surprising” and “somewhat distressing.”
In a five-year period of total TNRD expenses for meals and accommodations claimed by all employees, 2018 featured the most $92,706. In 2018, TNRD CAO Sukh Gill charged a total of $41,125 on his regional district credit card as a result of visits by himself and others to restaurants, coffee shops, wineries, liquor stores and grocery stores. Below is a gr