One of the most daring rescue missions ever accomplished by U.S. Special Forces took place on Jan. 30, 1945, as the 6th Ranger Battalion freed hundreds of POWs held by the Japanese.
As General Douglas MacArthur’s campaign on Luzon was underway, news of the Palawan massacre produced a call to action to save thousands of Allied POWs and civilian internees from a similar fate. With the extraordinary assistance of Filipino guerrillas, four daring raids were launched behind Japanese lines to liberate those camps.
KTW reached out to some other regional districts for their CAOs’ credit card charges. The number of restaurant/coffee shop/food expenses charged by CAOs in various regional districts in 2019:
• Sukh Gill, Thompson-Nicola Regional District: 172 times.
• Robert Lapham, Capital Regional District: 17 times.
• David Sewell, Regional District of North Okanagan: 6 times.
• Carol Mason and Jerry Dobrovolny, Metro Vancouver Regional District: one time.
TNRD board chair Ken Gillis said the board did not know the extent to which spending occurred and has called the amounts “surprising” and “somewhat distressing.”
In a five-year period of total TNRD expenses for meals and accommodations claimed by all employees, 2018 featured the most $92,706. In 2018, TNRD CAO Sukh Gill charged a total of $41,125 on his regional district credit card as a result of visits by himself and others to restaurants, coffee shops, wineries, liquor stores and grocery stores. Below is a gr