How some of suburbs oldest cemeteries are seeing a renewal
AT DAILYHERALD.COM/VIDEO: Moraine Township Trustee Cindy Wolfson, who is overseeing restoration work at the pioneer-era Daggitt Cemetery along Lake-Cook Road in Highland Park, stands near the monument to the cemetery s founder, Robert Daggitt. Mark Welsh | Staff Photographer
Daggitt Cemetery on the north side of Lake-Cook Road in Highland Park was established as a family burial ground in 1845 by Robert Daggitt, a carpenter who came from England with his wife and nine children. Mark Welsh | Staff Photographer
Daggitt Cemetery in Highland Park was established in 1845 as a family burial plot by Robert Daggitt, a carpenter who came to the area from England. The family monument and plot where Daggitt, his wife and nine children are buried is at right.
Posted12/13/2020 12:00 PM
Holiday decorated homes, walk-through light shows, Santa Claus visits and holiday tree traditions take up a lot of space in The Week in Pictures photo gallery for December 5-11, 2020.
A family walks through an arch of lights to see the main tree at the Festival of Lights in Elgin Tuesday.
Rick West | Staff Photographer
Santa dances around the Long Grove Christmas tree at a lighting ceremony in the village Saturday, December 5, 2020. A small but vocal crowd sang carols while waiting for him to appear.
John Starks | Staff Photographer
Father Manuel Padilla, left, and Father Esequiel Sanchez carefully move the image of the Virgin inside a chapel to discourage the throngs of visitors who typically make pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Des Plaines during Christmastime.