LONDON, ONT. Images of troubling and vile graffiti spray painted on signs at several locations in Norfolk County is concerning to the Nature Conservancy of Canada says spokesperson Andrew Holland. “It’s unfortunate that we’ve had a rash of incidents where people have spray painted stuff on signs, or they’ve been damaging or stealing property,” said Holland. The group is a national not for profit that conserves land that is sold to them or donated and in some cases creates walking and hiking trails. The damage according to Holland is occurring right across southwestern Ontario. “Not only is it a problem to have to go and raise the money to replace the infrastructure that’s being stolen or broken or vandalized, but it’s sort of disheartening for volunteers too who are very supportive at the local level,” Holland said.
Author of the article: Monte Sonnenberg
Publishing date: Apr 28, 2021 • 1 day ago • 2 minute read • The Nature Conservancy of Canada and other groups that maintain trail networks in Norfolk would like anyone with information regarding an individual who has a long history of vandalizing local trails to share it with the Ontario Provincial Police or Crime Stoppers of Norfolk and Haldimand. Above, Liv Monck-Whipp, a conservation biologist with the Nature Conservacy of Canada, which owns the Backus Woods. Monte Sonnenberg/Postmedia Network SunMedia
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The Nature Conservancy of Canada would like a certain, unknown individual to cease and desist with the spray paint on their signage in the Backus Woods.