Ron s Gone Wrong is a new animated feature that hit theaters this weekend, and it follows a world where android friends have replaced phones as the go-to device. The movie is currently up on Rotten Tomatoes with an 81% critics score after 68 reviews and a 96% audience score after 100+ reviews. [.]
Ron s Gone Wrong is now playing in theaters, and the new animated feature was made by 20th Century Studios and Locksmith Animation, which means it has since been released by Disney thanks to their merger with Fox. Ron s Gone Wrong follows a world where android friends have replaced phones as [.]
Ron s Gone Wrong is now playing in theaters and tells the story of a world where android friends have replaced phones as the go-to device. The new animated movie was co-directed by Octavio E. Rodriguez, Sarah Smith, and Jean-Philippe Vine. Rodriguez has worked in the animation department on some [.]