Director Venkat Prabhu, whose upcoming adult comedy Manmadha Leelai , featuring actors Ashok Selvan, Samyuktha Hegde and Riya Suman in the lead is to hit screens on April 1, says that the thought to make the light-hearted entertainer occurred .
Director Venkat Prabhu, whose upcoming adult comedy 'Manmadha Leelai', featuring actors Ashok Selvan, Samyuktha Hegde and Riya Suman in the lead is to hit
The teaser of director Manoj Beedha s Agent Kannayiram , which features actors Santhanam, Riya Suman and Sruthi Hariharan in the lead, has garnered over a million views on YouTube within a day of being released.The film, which has raised .
The teaser of director Manoj Beedha s Agent Kannayiram , which features actors Santhanam, Riya Suman and Sruthi Hariharan in the lead, has garnered over a million views on YouTube within a day of being released.
The film, which has raised expectations among fans and film buffs, will have Santhanam testing new waters. The actor plays a detective in the film, which