DD Returns Santhanam Salary Details LEAKED: The movie DD Returns released today in theatres is getting amazing positive reviews from the public. In this case, the information about Santhanams salary for acting in DD Returns has been revealed. It is reported that he has received a salary of Rs. 5 crore for the film.
DD Returns Full Movie HD Leaked: Santhanams recent films Sabapathi, Agent Kannayiram and Gulugulu didnt do well at the box office. In such a situation, DD Returns released today is getting amazing positive reviews from the public. Fans who watched the film says that DD Returns is a super fun horror comedy in recent times.
The South Indian film industries are undeniably part of the big movie carnivals in Asia. Their diverse storylines, powerful acting, and talented cinematography of Tamil, Telegu, Malayalam, and Kannada films enthrall millions of film enthusiasts around the world. Let’s take a look at the 10 most anticipated South Indian films in November 2022.