| Magazine Feature |
The Amazing Adventures of a Globe-Trotting, Treif-Spotting Kashrus Supervisor: Part II By Riki Goldstein | February 24, 2021
Another glimpse at how certified products get to your table from the corners of the world
Photos: Rabbi Danny Moore
Meticulous attention to detail, a cool head, and high tolerance for long, uncomfortable journeys are all part of Rabbi Danny Moore’s work in international kashrus. From his very first job supervising an early-morning milking as a favor to a friend, Rabbi Moore was drawn into a world where one sharp glance and a dose of Heavenly help is the difference between kosher and treif. More than two decades and 51 countries later, he’s the kashrus director of Badatz Igud Harabbonim, the Manchester-based hechsher famously led by Dayan Osher Yaakov Westheim ztz”l, who was niftar earlier this year. The hechsher now continues under the supervisi