• Mar 15, 2021
Robert Winslow is a documentary filmmaker whose series Dialogues Chattanooga has examined turning points in this city within the past decade.
His latest film “Resilience and Response” marks one year of the pandemic in this city: the impact, the response, the long road still ahead with questions facing us for years to come.
2020 was such a dark year.
For me, the announcement of the Pfizer vaccine created a pinprick of light at the end of a very long tunnel. Finally, I found hope. And what a lift it gave my soul!
That glimmer of light helped me navigate a heavy holiday season diminished by the missing traditions of large extended family gatherings full of unmasked laughter, giant bear hugs, and white elephant gift giving shenanigans.
I felt like I could breathe a little bit easier. My chest literally expanded deeper with each breath and at night, when I awoke, my mind was not always filled with anxious thoughts about those I love most.