Welcome to the San Francisco Planning Commission regular meeting for thursday, july 23, 2015, 2015 disruptions of any kind. Please silence any devices that may sound off during the proceedings. And when speaking before the commission, if you care to, do state your name for the record. Speak id like to call roll at this time. Commissioner president fong commissioner wu commissioner antonini commissioner johnson and he wanted to attend. Commissioner moore commissioner richards additional commissioner hillis is and he wanted to be absent commissioners, that places you under your prototype for continuance item one admitting a request for a discretionary review authorization is proposed for continuance until august further on the agenda a request for continuance for items 9 and 10 on Howard Street for the certification of the Environmental Impact report acceptance of authority and determination of compliance conditional use authorization and request for variance proposed for september 3, 20
Welcome to the San Francisco Planning Commission regular meeting for thursday, july 23, 2015, 2015 disruptions of any kind. Please silence any devices that may sound off during the proceedings. And when speaking before the commission, if you care to, do state your name for the record. Speak id like to call roll at this time. Commissioner president fong commissioner wu commissioner antonini commissioner johnson and he wanted to attend. Commissioner moore commissioner richards additional commissioner hillis is and he wanted to be absent commissioners, that places you under your prototype for continuance item one admitting a request for a discretionary review authorization is proposed for continuance until august further on the agenda a request for continuance for items 9 and 10 on Howard Street for the certification of the Environmental Impact report acceptance of authority and determination of compliance conditional use authorization and request for variance proposed for september 3, 20
Welcome to the San Francisco Planning Commission regular meeting for thursday, july 23, 2015, 2015 disruptions of any kind. Please silence any devices that may sound off during the proceedings. And when speaking before the commission, if you care to, do state your name for the record. Speak id like to call roll at this time. Commissioner president fong commissioner wu commissioner antonini commissioner johnson and he wanted to attend. Commissioner moore commissioner richards additional commissioner hillis is and he wanted to be absent commissioners, that places you under your prototype for continuance item one admitting a request for a discretionary review authorization is proposed for continuance until august further on the agenda a request for continuance for items 9 and 10 on Howard Street for the certification of the Environmental Impact report acceptance of authority and determination of compliance conditional use authorization and request for variance proposed for september 3, 20
This project back to the Planning Commission and demand that that project follow local and state laws thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, supervisors thank you for having us and i just want to you know remember the all the victims from paris you know there is some big issues going on i want to remember them and i want to thank you you guys especially you guys are saying no to 5 m i want to thank you guys in advance im against this project specifically just because of gentrification against gentrification 10 years from now what is selma going to look at the Environmental Impact report i dont think it addresses our positions you know it is simple thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Gamechanger supervisors im teresa i opposed this 5 m project im a residence of s o m a we lived with others we were one the luck ones we had family here and so many filipinos arrived having to deal with the situations on their own selma oma is our home. We will fight a
Thank you. Next speaker, please. Im crisis not filipino japanese and im queer too ive been working in soma for quite a bit the year after the earthquake i started working here as a Security Guard as an Affordable Housing director and as a planner if a communitybased now access to housing coordinator for bmr as well as Affordable Housing im here to tell you this i think the diversity of soma is beautiful i love soma since the first day i started to work there and the people the diversity of people and especially 6th street it is in a terrible departments time but love the way that people Work Together and the filipino communities was very accepting of me mainly because of way i look but because of the enlists i was able to bring Japantown Task force they were spooird and member of mac in the mission and those gifts that that ability to see what is happening in the rest of the neighborhood to bring that and talk about the way that people are treated in a different way and different stand